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Category: Oil and Gas

Sunset on an oil field

Posted on February 8th, 2018 Posted in Management | Oil and Gas | OSHA | Reporting | Safety

OSHA Fines Suck. Wellsite Report Doesn’t.

In 2016, OSHA shared their Top 10 serious and willful violations. Within those Top 10 categories were over 35,000 violations – yikes. When an OSHA violation is determined to be a Willful Violation (considered intentional violations, committed without regard for employee safety), a company can face up to $70,000. For one fine – and that […]

Using the Cloud

Posted on February 1st, 2018 Posted in Big Data | HSE | IoT | Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management | Reporting | Safety

Why Everyone Needs The Cloud

There’s a reason why companies like Netflix, Apple, and even paper-happy Xerox have embraced cloud computing for their businesses: it works. It gives them the ability to grow faster, manage processes and people more efficiently, and increase accessibility to their customers. We’re moving out of the early adopters stage — all industries are embracing cloud […]

Posted on January 4th, 2018 Posted in Oil and Gas

Staying Safe During Cold Weather

As the East Coast gets hit with a bomb cyclone – or as we like to call it here at DigitOil, winter – it’s important to keep safe. Here are some tips to make sure your home and family are safe and warm during the cold. Clear any snow around outside vents or appliances. Blocked vents […]

Posted on September 19th, 2017 Posted in Big Data | Oil and Gas

Ready to compete in the age of analytics?

As we’ve met more companies and gotten to know their processes, the same question comes up: Is your company utilizing analytics? The answer varies from company to company but there is a consistent pattern to all their answers. While many companies are using some kind of analytics, they’re not using the right analytics; or worse, they aren’t […]

Millennials using technology

Posted on August 15th, 2017 Posted in Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management

Millennials are coming, and you need to prepare

As the only millennial in the WSR office, I get it — us millennials get a bad reputation in the workplace. But it’s closing in on the time when companies (and yes, even oil companies) need to embrace the millennial worker. In fact, you have fewer than three years to accept that millennials are here […]

Oil pump

Posted on August 9th, 2017 Posted in Big Data | Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management | Reporting | Safety

Digital Solutions are for Everyone – Even You

Strategy firm Clareo and the Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) reported on the E&P industry and its growing desire to create new digital solutions to increase production and reduce costs. Their paper, “The Oil & Gas Industry’s New Normal: Rethinking Innovation Priorities in the Age of Low Prices,” encourages the fast growth of innovation, commenting that […]

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